About Us

Hey, It’s Abhay, An Engineering graduate of Computer Science. I am the man behind this blog who loves to share the latest earning methods to become financially free in this world. 

After graduation, I was also thinking about what to do, how to get a job, and how to earn money. So I have researched extensively, tried and tested so many earning methods, some work for me some not. I have failed so many times. But this failure gives me millions of ideas to earn money online.

I also do a job as a Software Engineer and get paid a high salary. But I have never been satisfied with my job, because anyhow I am working for others and giving time for other growths. And a salaried life never makes me financially free because it’s just a fixed amount of money.

So, I always have a thought to create a business that doesn’t need so much money and we can also earn with little extra effort. So I started blogs, YouTube channels, and Insta pages and slowly started making money more than what I earned in my job.

Then I decided to share this idea with my friends on social media, through blogs, and videos, and educate them about online earning. If anyone started making money online by giving my ideas then I would feel that my dreams come true and this blog become successful.

So, support me and help me to grow this blog. Connect with me on Social media.